House Rules

1. Introduction
Bienvenue à Wonderloo Playground. Pour assurer la sécurité et le plaisir de tous nos visiteurs, nous vous prions de respecter le règlement intérieur suivant.

2. Access and Use
2.1. Opening Hours
• Opening hours are posted at the entrance and on our website. They may be changed without notice.

Conditions d’Accès
• Access to the play area is reserved for children aged 1 to 12 years.
• All children must be accompanied by a responsible adult who must remain on-site for the duration of the visit.
Entrée et Sortie
• Visitors must check in at the reception upon arrival and notify us when leaving at the end of their visit.

3. Safety and Behavior
3.1. Supervision of Children
• Parents or guardians are responsible for the constant supervision of their children.
• Children must never be left unattended.
Comportement Approprié
• Aggressive or dangerous behavior will not be tolerated. Visitors must respect others and use the equipment appropriately.
• The staff at Wonderloo Playground reserves the right to remove anyone who disrupts the peace or does not follow the safety rules.
Utilisation des Équipements
• Children must follow instructions for each piece of equipment and play safely.
• Shoes must be removed, and non-slip socks must be worn inside the play area.

4. Hygiene and Cleanliness
4.1. Food and Drink
• Food and drink are not allowed inside the play area, except in designated snack areas.
• Visitors must use the bins to dispose of their trash.
État de Santé
• Children showing signs of contagious illness are not allowed to access the play area for the safety of others.

Biens Personnels
• Wonderloo Playground is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged personal belongings.
• Parents or guardians are encouraged to keep an eye on their personal belongings.
Accidents et Blessures
• In the event of an accident or injury, please inform a staff member immediately.
• Wonderloo Playground has first aid available on-site, but any responsibility beyond basic first aid is excluded.

Respect du Personnel
Instructions du Personnel
• Instructions given by Wonderloo Playground staff must be followed at all times.
• Any form of harassment or abuse toward staff will be treated with the utmost seriousness and may result in expulsion from the premises.

7. Photography and Recording
7.1. Personal Use
• Photographs and videos for personal use are allowed but must respect the privacy of other visitors.
• Public distribution of recorded content from Wonderloo Playground requires prior authorization.

8. Changes to the Rules
8.1. Revisions
• Wonderloo Playground reserves the right to modify these house rules at any time. Changes will be posted at the entrance and on our website.

9. Contact
For any questions regarding the house rules, please contact our team at the following email address: [email protected]

Thank you for your cooperation, and we wish you a pleasant visit to Wonderloo Playground.


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